3 Reasons To Have Your Entire Staff Take A Dangerous Goods Course

Education & Development Blog

A dangerous goods course is usually required for anyone who causes dangerous goods to be shipped in any capacity. Dangerous goods are those that can present a hazard to a person's health or safety, to property, or to the environment. This course can be required of those in your shipping and receiving departments, and of those who create or manufacture the goods to be shipped.

While you want to be compliant with the law about the employees on staff who are legally required to take this course, you may also want to consider having your entire staff go through a dangerous goods course. Consider why that is and how it can protect your staff and your company as well.

1. Packages may be received by anyone on your staff

You may assume that all your dangerous goods packages will be received in your warehouse area, but if something is shipped in a smaller box then a delivery driver may bring it to the front office by mistake. A receptionist or other office worker may receive that package and if they have not been trained on how to properly handle dangerous goods, they may cause a spill or otherwise mishandle the package. By having your entire staff take a dangerous goods course, you can reduce this risk and any danger it might pose to your staff and company property.

2. A dangerous goods certification can allow you to make personnel changes easily

If you want to make personnel changes, you can easily promote or move your personnel without having to worry about what certifications they have or need in order to handle your dangerous goods. You are also protected in case someone terminates their employment without notice, as you will have someone else with proper certification on staff to take their place. This will ensure your staff is always compliant with regulations no matter the changes you want or need to make.

3. A dangerous goods course will ensure all raw materials are handled safely by your staff

A dangerous goods course may be required of those who produce and ship those goods, but taking this course can help your entire staff to understand safe handling of raw materials, even if those materials are not dangerous until mixed with other chemicals or materials. Employees who don't understand the dangers of mixing certain materials or of improper storage increase the risk of accident or damage to your property, even if those employees are not part of the shipment process. This type of course can decrease the dangers of mishandling such materials, reducing the risk to them and to your property.

For more information, contact a company like Dangerous Goods Training Services.


26 February 2015

Learn more so you can earn more

As an adult learning educator, I only have students who want to learn. If anyone is not feeling enthusiastic, I let them know how much more they'll be able to earn once they've completed my course. It always helps with motivation! Even if you left school or completed your trade years age, you need to keep learning in today's workplace to keep up with increasing safety and technical standards. If you are looking for a course to do or tips on becoming a better educator, this will be a great site to bookmark. I keep all of my articles and links here in one spot, as resources for other educators and students.